Financial Planners
M-F 8:00am to 12:00pm; 1:00pm-5:00pm; and by appointment
Driving Directions:
North Kingshighway, right next to Smokin Brothers
Retirement Planning, Individual or Business. For those approaching retirement, we assemble your ''Playbook'' to give guidance to retire how and when you want to. Social Security Maximization reports, Color of Money Risk Analysis (COMRA) to guide our recommendations to your risk tolerance, Found Money reports to see if a Roth Conversion makes sense for you.
For Businesses, help with the complicated world of 401(k)'s. Review Plan Design, Fee structure, etc of your Plan; Visit with participants to help educate them on what to do, to help them set themselves to retire when they want to while maintaining their lifestyle.
Printed courtesy of – Contact the Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce for more information.
220 North Fountain Street, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701 – (573) 335-3312 –