The Stars and Stripes National Museum Library

Mon, Wed-Fri 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sat 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Driving Directions:
Take I-55 South to Sikeston, MO then State Highway 60 West to Dexter and Highway 25 North to Bloomfield.
About Us
The mission of the National Stars and Stripes Museum & Library is the documentation, preservation, and communication of the iconic story of the Stars and Stripes newspaper and the commitment and service of the Stars and Stripers, our servicemen and women, and everyday citizens through exhibits, educational outreach, and special programs to further our freedoms and values.
The Stars and Stripes newspaper has followed U. S. troops through the conflicts of the 20th century and now into the 21st century. Few readers of this iconic, military newspaper know that it was first published in Bloomfield, Missouri by a small group of Union troops during the Civil War. Those humble beginnings resulted in the formation of a newspaper that has been the primary news source for American troops while away from home and country. It is important for the Museum/Library to preserve the legacy, mission, and nationally significant activities of the Stars and Stripes as it tells the story of American service men and women throughout our history.
Video Media


Rep/Contact Info
Ms. Laura Dumey
Executive Director
- Phone: (573) 568-2055
- 17377 Stars and Stripes Way Bloomfield MO 63825