Membership Blitz

Date and Time
Tuesday Oct 8, 2024 Wednesday Oct 9, 2024
Membership Blitz
The Cape Chamber team has been working hard to provide more value than ever. We appreciate the positive feedback we have received from the community, and we want to include even more businesses in our mission!
The 2024 Membership Blitz will run from 8:00 AM Tuesday, October 8th through 5:00 PM Wednesday, October 9th.
Incentives and Benefits
Membership Drive incentives:
*To receive Membership Blitz incentives, new member application and fee must be received by 5:00 PM Wednesday, October 9th.
- Waived enrollment fee
- Ribbon cutting celebration
- Social media feature
- Premiere introduction at New Member Celebration Reception / Business After Hours
- Standard new member benefits (See below)
- Standard membership benefits (See below)
Standard new member benefits:
- Listing in Inside Commerce newsletter (Shared with 1,400+ representatives)
- Listed and welcomed at First Friday Coffee (Approximately 150 in attendance, plus 1,000+ views on Facebook Live)
- Immediate access to all standard membership benefits, including: listing on Chamber Member Directory, member communications, ability to post job openings, and more
Standard membership benefits:
Get Connected & Stay Informed
- Referrals to potential customers
- Free job postings
- Ribbon cuttings and ground breakings
- Invitation to Chamber events
- Networking opportunities
- Young Professionals
- Training opportunities
- Women’s Network
- Committee involvement
- Member Directory
- Member Information Center
- Access to member-exclusive information
- Member News
- CEO round table opportunities
Lower Your Business Expenses
- Bottom Line Benefits (Save money on small business health services, email marketing and more)
- Member to Member deals
Increase Your Community Impact
- Community engagement and support
- Government advocacy
- Leadership development opportunities
- Access to publications
About the Cape Chamber
What is the Chamber?
The Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce is the leading business and community development organization in the area. We are incorporated as a not-for-profit membership organization and spend 100% of our time on issues of economic development and community betterment. Our work results in a better quality of life for the area we serve.
Who joins the Chamber?
The Chamber membership is made up of a diverse group of individuals from all size and types of businesses, education institutions, professional organizations, government entities, retirees, and others interested in our mission. The membership drives the organization and truly helps us to be the Voice of Regional Development as we lead businesses, serve people and create communities.
Our Mission
The Cape Girardeau Area Chamber of Commerce is a leading partner of business and industry that supports the growth of a vibrant economy, an enhanced quality of life in Southeast Missouri, business advocacy, and strategies to grow and retain talented regional workforce.
Learn more about the Cape Chamber
Investment Levels
- Businesses join as members, people are representatives. Each business member will have at least one designated representative. At increased investment levels, members may choose to add additional representatives.
- Delegate vs. Associate: There are delegate and associate representatives. Both types of representatives will have networking opportunities, be able to attend events, receive weekly and monthly communications, receive special announcements, serve on committees, and get invitations to Chamber events. Only delegate representatives will be able to vote and serve on the board.
Base Membership $300 One delegate representative
Add additional reps for $75 each
ex: Investment $375- One delegate and One associate rep, Investment $600- One delegate and four associate reps
Non-Profit Membership Level 1 $150 - Two associate reps *Available for charities and educators
Non-Profit Membership Level 2 $375- Five associate reps *Available for charities and educators
Non-Profit Membership Level 3 $750- Ten associate reps *Available for charities and educators
Retiree Membership $75 - One associate representative
More information
Feel free to explore our website and connect with any of our members to learn more. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our Membership Engagement Specialist, Madelyn Ringwald.
Madelyn Ringwald, Membership Engagement Specialist